Selected works

Into You
Tulip Poplar
Sometimes a piece just flows and that is magical. The piece tells you
what it needs to be. The grain of the wood matched the idea of our bodies interconnected but simultaneously separate and distinct.

Your Seed, My Egg
Lady Who Thought She was a Telephone

This was a significant piece for me in my development as a sculptor and my willingness to explore new techniques. It’s a bas relief so it is only meant to be viewed from one side—almost like doing a painting in stone and it is two pieces of conjoined stone…connected but divided.
Unidentified species of wood …. maybe Hackberry…found in a shed on the Montgomery College Campus. I split the log to reveal what is inside. What is interesting to me is the space in-between the two halves and the sheltering of the conifer cone “eggs”. The cones are from a Deodora cedar.
My son was almost 5 years old when I adopted him from an orphanage in China. He is the baby Buddha, born in, nurtured in and coming out of the egg. He has travelled a great distance from the park he was abandoned in, to the orphanage, to the United States. The sculpture needed feet!
The pineapple is traditionally a symbol of welcome. Those are pineapple leaves at the top of the egg welcoming him home.

Dancing With Daphne
Daphne’s body is cherry. Her hair is from a contorted filbert called a Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick
In Greek Mythology, Daphne was a nymph associated with freshwater. Her father was the river god Peneus. Eros had shot Daphne with an arrow that made Daphne despise sex and romance. Apollo loved and wanted Daphne. Just as Apollo was going to kiss Daphne, she called on her father to rescue her. He turned her into a tree.
Tulip Poplar.
Abstracted bird. The speckles are done with a tiny point on a wood burner.
Calla Lily
Molded Pine Bark and Tulip Poplar.
White pine bark can be molded into various shapes. The tree needs to be freshly cut. The bark can be removed, bound and dried into various shapes if you work within a few hours of the cutting. A neighbor was removing a white pine hedge, and I asked for one of the tree trunks.

This piece came out of my desire to be a father. I was single and childless. Only later did I understand the piece was also a prayer. The Baby has no gender and the face is only a suggestion because I do not know who is coming.

We All Bleed

It’s a reference to the Holocaust. My Holocaust. 400 pairs of tiny shoes and my despair and ultimate hopefulness about my divorce. What felt like an emotional Holocaust to have my marriage dissolve and my determination to walk the path of discovery in my red shoes, the color of the heart.
Almost person size cherry tree trunk that split in the 3-year process of drying. It wasn’t supposed to split but the split became the piece…from the large split at the bottom to all the hairline cracks that became veins and capillaries.

Mother Sky
I got interested in the arch as both a yoga position and a sculptural shape. The arch captures the space under itself so the negative space becomes part of the piece. This will eventually become a family group. I am presently working on the male—also an arch and the child and plan to sculpt the fetal egg.